
Round Money Registry
The Round Money Registry is a forum and database to upload, store and display your coin sets. The app runs on your phone (Android for now, iPhone coming) or these pages run on your web browser on your computer. The server stores your coin images and the app on your phone or computer lets you edit the text (e.g descriptions of coins or sets).

Joining and Signing In
The Round Money Registry uses (version smf_main002.js) software. signed message forum There are no passwords (unless you want one). Just create a private key, push the public key to the server, send an email to an existing user to vouch for your public key via its address.

You create whatever name you want to be known as. The name cannot already be taken by someone else. The name is associated with the public key when you push both to the server.

Signing a message associates it with a particular username or alias, so there's no logging in. There's no administrator. In fact you are the administrator when you sign other people's public keys so they can join the forum.

Click join to generate a private key. You will need to sign the public key with the private key, push the signed public key to the server, and send the same to an existing user for vouching. That user will sign an approval message.
click here to start